Comicaze presents: Schwarz Weiß

© Comicaze e. V.

Comicaze presents: Schwarz Weiß

31 May to 3 JuneMireo

Opening Hours: 

Mon–Sat 9 a.m.–1 a.m., Sun/public holidays 10 a.m. –1 a.m.

Free entrance!

“When we were looking at old material as part of our 20th anniversary exhibition, we were surprised to see how much power and expression there was in the old stuff. Back then we made the best of what we had, because printing Comicaze in colour for free was simply unaffordable for us in the 1990s.” Today, the Munich-based project is free of such financial constraints and can therefore offer its readers 44 pages of content – purely for artistic reasons – in jet black and brilliant white for free. Enjoy!