Ingrid Sabisch
Signing at
- Knesebeck VerlagHall A, Stand54
- Schwarzer Turm VerlagHall A, Stand9
Ingrid Sabisch was born in Nuremberg in 1972 and currently lives there, too. She's a free illustrator and drawer of comics and graphic novels. Her main focus lies on historical themes and autobiographic comics. Published: "Albrecht Dürer – Vom Handwerker zum Gelehrten" (publisher: die Heldin, 2003), "Schwangerschaftsstreifen" (Schwarzer Turm, 2003), "Mythos Mutti" (Schwarzer Turm, 2008), "41,3 kg – Magersucht?" (Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011), "Willy Brandt. Sein Leben als Comic" (drawings, text: H. Lünstedt, Knesebeck, 2013), "Sophie Scholl - Die Comic-Biografie" (drawings, text: H. Lünstedt, Knesebeck, 2015).