Frank Madsen
- Dänische Comic Autoren / Association of Danish Comic AuthorsHall A, Stand10
Frank Madsen (born 1962) is a Danish author/artist of comics and children's books and married to Sussi Bech. Between 1984 and 1987 Frank Madsen did three comic books for LEGO, which were published in six languages including German. In 1988 Frank started his own "Kurt Dunder" series, of which he has so far made 4 volumes. In 2010 he took over writing Sussi Bech's comic strip "Eks Libris". It appears every Friday in the literary supplement of Weekendavisen, one of Denmark’s most respected newspapers. It satirizes everything in the swank world of literature: the authors, the publishing houses, the bookstores and the librarians. Frank Madsen has also written a number of childrens’ books, including "Snus Mus", a mouse detective who solves the mysteries of nature. "Snus Mus" will be published in Chile this spring. Madsen was the initiatior of the branch organisation Danske Tegneserieskabere, which has helped protect the professional interests of Danish comic book writers, artists and colourists since 1989. In 2017 Frank was awarded the Hanne Hansen Prize.