Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by stories of any kind. In the early 1980s, I published my first work of fiction in the perodical "My little pony". Since then, I have never stopped writing. Both as a scholar of German language and literature and as an art historian specializing in media that combine text and image I have been publishing academically since 2005, writing papers in German and English for journals and conferences. As comic author, I work closely with comic artist Jacky/Jackyl White on the graphic novel "Maggie McFearsome and the Giant Anteater". The plot is located in the San Francisco of the early 1990s and in a mythological parallel universe. Having started to cooperate in 2017, we have already shown our project-related art work at four exhibitions at various locations in Austria and in Paris, France. We will launch our first solo exhibition "Eggy & jacky - a comic manifest!" on September 7 at raumimpuls (Waidhofen/Ybbs). Parallely to our Maggie&Arnold-related art projects, we publish the story as a webcomic on We publish monthly about our projects on the homepage of Karikaturmuseum Krems.
Webcomic „Maggie McFearsome and the Giant Anteater“Art- & Edutainment-Blog des Karikaturmuseums KremsFacebook Maggie&Arnold