Rita Fürstenau
Rita Fürstenau works as a freelance illustrator and designer. She is co-founder of the publishing house Rotopol for graphic storytelling and has been working as a publisher since its founding in 2007. She was born in Berlin in 1982 and moved to Kassel in 2001 for her studies. There she studied visual communication at the School of Arts and Design with a focus on illustration as well as Primary School Teaching and Education at the University. In addition to her artistic and publishing activities, she is teaching at the Children and Youth Art School in Kassel and the Stiftung Deutsches Design Museum. As an illustrator she works for clients such as Bahlsen, Google and the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel and many more. Her personal works are published by Rotopol in the form of books, folding booklets, paper games, postcards, hand-printed sketchbooks, and textiles. Publications: Raum kommt von räumen (Rotopol, 2008), Old Songs – New Songs (Rotopol, 2014), Mellom #1 – In Silence (Rotopol, 2015), Mellom #2 – Royals (Rotopol, 2017), Mellom #3 – The Eastern Forests (Rotopol, 2017).