David Füleki
David Füleki, born 1985 in Zschopau/Saxony, lives and works as a freelance illustrator, comic book artist and editor in Chemnitz. He frequently publishes all kinds of comics since 2001.
A selection of his works: “Entoman” (many different short stories and series for many different publishers, since 2008), “Studieren mit Rind” (webcomic with some additional printed bonus stories, since 2007), “Struwwelpeter: Die Rückkehr” (Tokyopop, 2008), “78 Tage auf der Straße des Hasses” (manga satire series, Delfinium Prints/Tokyopop, since 2008), “Der Schlaufuchs” (weekly comicstrip for children, published in Fuldaer Zeitung and COMIX!, since 2012), “Infamous Justice Force Strikers” (manga series, Delfinium Prints and in COMIX!, since 2014), “Demon Mind Game” (manga series, Tokyopop, since 2017).
In 2008 he founded Delfinium Prints, an independent comic publisher. Among other awards he won the BANZAI! Doujinshi Award (2005, “Die Gabe”), the Comic Duell (2008), the Sondermann (2011, “Entoman: Serial Sausage Slaughter”), ICOM Independent Comic Award (2012, best artwork) and the PENG! award (2015, “78 Tage auf der Straße des Hasses”).